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☞ Segnalazione: Beautiful Burn by Adriane Leigh

Hello guys!
Questa mattina voglio segnalarvi un romanzo che adocchiai non appena Mae I Design and Photography mostrò la cover sulla sua pagina Facebook, ma che decisi di accantonare perché estranea a storie in cui si racconta l'amore tra una studentessa e il suo insegnante ▬ ah no, aspettate, dimenticavo il professor Emerson, che alla fine ho abbandonato. Cosa mi ha fatto cambiare idea e aggiungere questo romanzo alla mia TBR list? E' stato il commento a caldo del blog Angie's Dreamy Reads: a quanto pare, questa è una storia ricca di tormento e passione bruciante, e da quello che ho inteso è un libro che ti smonta, ti distrugge. Devo aggiungere altro?! MIO ♥ Ma ma ma, c'è un problemino: il cartaceo non è ancora disponibile °_° Oh, Adriane, please tell me that the paperback will be soon available! I must read this one

Titolo: Beautiful Burn
Autore: Adriane Leigh
Genere: Contemporary Romance
Data di uscita: 13 Gennaio 2015
Editore: Islebrook Press

──────✤ S y n o p s i s ✤──────
I've broken him, bent him, and burned him, and each fevered moment was worth every ounce of pain.

Auburn Lawrence has loved her English teacher, Reed West, since she was sixteen. Through brainstorming stories, reading classic literature, and plenty of fiery banter, they've forged a bond that neither of them expected.

Propelled by a chance encounter after her graduation, they discover just how deep their connection runs, but love requires more than chemistry to flourish. They spend three electrifying summer months discovering each other under a veil of forbidden passion and desperate lust before they learn that the unattainable is often destined to remain exactly that.

By the time temperatures dip and snowflakes fly, their relationship will face a deep freeze that threatens to snap the bond they thought they shared, shattering their lives one secret at a time.

Intended for mature audiences.
Beautiful Burn is a standalone, full-length novel.

──────✤ C o m p r a   s u ✤──────

──────✤ A b o u t   t h e   A u t h o r ✤──────

Adriane Leigh was born and raised in a snowbank in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and now lives among the sand dunes of the Lake Michigan lakeshore. She graduated with a Literature degree but never particularly enjoyed reading Shakespeare or Chaucer. She is married to a tall, dark, and handsome guy, and plays mama to two sweet baby girls. She is a voracious reader and wishes she had more time to knit scarves to keep her warm during the arctic Michigan winters.

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