Hello gente ^O^
E dopo le incredibili emozioni suscitate ieri dal rilascio del video ufficiale di Love Me Like You Do di Ellie Goulding con le nuove clip del film Cinquanta Sfumature di Grigio, passiamo a questo bellissimo Cover Reveal riguardante il primo romanzo della nuova serie di Cassia Leo, un'autrice che si è aggiudicata un posto nella mia Top Autori con il primo volume (leggi la mia recensione) della sua serie erotic suspense Unmasked ♥
E dopo le incredibili emozioni suscitate ieri dal rilascio del video ufficiale di Love Me Like You Do di Ellie Goulding con le nuove clip del film Cinquanta Sfumature di Grigio, passiamo a questo bellissimo Cover Reveal riguardante il primo romanzo della nuova serie di Cassia Leo, un'autrice che si è aggiudicata un posto nella mia Top Autori con il primo volume (leggi la mia recensione) della sua serie erotic suspense Unmasked ♥

Titolo: The Way We Fall
Autore: Cassia Leo
Serie: The Story of Us #1
Serie: The Story of Us #1
Genere: Contemporary Romance

──────✤ P r e - o r d e r ✤──────
Available for $0.99 only during preorder and for the first 48 hours after release.
──────✤ R e a d t h e E x c e r p t ✤──────
“I need to
talk to you about the work situation,” he says as he follows me out. “I got the
contract, but I want to make sure you’re okay with this before I sign it.”
“You want
to know if I’ll be okay working with you?”
I slide
the key into the doorknob and Houston places his hand over mine to stop me from
turning the knob. “I can’t go in there with you. Please stay out here until
we’re done talking.”
I shake
his hand off and turn around to face him. “There’s nothing to talk about. You
have to sign the contract. The way I feel about working with you shouldn’t
“But it does
matter. I don’t want to upset you. You were there first.”
I can’t
help but laugh. “So this is a territorial thing? You think because I was there
first that I have some sort of right to keep you out?” His left eyebrow shoots
up the way it always does when he’s confused and it nearly renders me mute.
“Houston, if I didn’t work there you wouldn’t think twice about signing that
contract. So that’s what you should do. Just… please stop making this into
something it isn’t. We hardly know each other anymore, and that’s the way it’s
going to remain.”
swallows hard as he lets this sink in. “I guess you’re right. I’m sorry I bothered
you. I only wanted to… Never mind. I’ll get going. I have to get up early to go
sign that contract. Not that you care.”
He shakes
his head in disappointment as he walks away and I’m glad I don’t have anything
solid in my hand other than Skippy’s leash or I might throw it at the back of
his head. So I’m the one who doesn’t care? Ugh. Typical Houston
and his endless psychological games.
Maybe I
should have told him to walk away from the contract, but that would have meant
admitting that he still has a strong hold over me. It also would have been the
truth and the truth has never gotten me into trouble. In fact, the truth is
something my previous relationship with Houston was sorely lacking.
I don’t need to right the wrongs we made while we were together. I don’t need
to tell Houston that the sight of him makes my throat dry and my stomach
flutter. He doesn’t need to know that I still go to sleep with scenes from our
life together playing on repeat in my mind. Or that sometimes I wake up with
his name tumbling from my lips, the remnants of dreams where he never left and
nightmares where he hovers just out of reach.
Wednesday, the last time I had seen Houston was the day after he met me at the
Planned Parenthood clinic. I didn’t ask him to come, and I don’t know how he
found the date and time of my appointment, but he was there when we pulled into
the parking lot. Lisa, a girl from my Social Inequality class whom I’d had
coffee with a couple of times, had graciously agreed to take me to the clinic.
The moment I saw him leaning against his truck, I knew I had to send Lisa home.
Houston would insist on taking me back to the apartment after the procedure, to
watch over me.
It was the last thing I wanted, to have Houston doting over me after
terminating the pregnancy. But it was also the only thing I wanted. It was as
if he was performing the last rites on our dead relationship.
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──────✤ E n t e r t h e G i v e a w a y ✤──────
──────✤ A b o u t t h e A u t h o r ✤──────

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cassia Leo loves her coffee, chocolate, and margaritas with salt. When she’s not writing, she spends way too much time watching old reruns of Friends and Sex and the City. When she’s not watching reruns, she’s usually enjoying the California sunshine or reading – sometimes both.

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