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★ Cover Reveal: Break Even by Lisa De Jong

Ultimissimo giorno di Novembre *-*
Non oso immaginare quanti di voi sono entusiasti all'idea che il Natale è sempre più vicino xD Avete già comprato tutti i regali? Aggiungetene uno che però arriverà il giorno di Santo Stefano, perché è in arrivo un nuovo romanzo firmato Lisa De Jong, autrice entrata nella mia Top Autori con il suo Lies Unspoken ♥ OMG avete letto la trama?! Sarà mioo :3 e la cover realizzata da Regina di Mae I Design & Photography?! Wow *-*

Titolo: Break Even
Autore: Lisa De Jong
Genere: Erotic Romance
Data di pubblicazione: 27 Dicembre 2015

My story isn’t a love story … not the typical kind anyway.
As a lawyer, I’m used to discovery, but I never saw this one coming.

Every day, River gives me ten reasons to stay away, and then eleven reasons why I can't. Our relationship was to remain strictly business, or at least I tried.

Four years of marriage, and everything with Cole has changed. I never knew two people who lived together could be so distant. But I’m not ready to give up on him.

One man wants to break me.
The other is just trying to get even.

Both are lying to me.


He puts the SUV in park and turns his body toward me. “Most things you can, Mrs. Mason. Hang around me for a little while, and you’ll find out how.”
“For instance,” I tease, still feeling some of the vodka. “You can’t make me take your case. If I wanted to, I could dump you as a client and there wouldn’t be a damn thing you could do about it.”
He scoffs. “But you won’t.”
“How do you know that?” I grin back at him. Conversing with River has become a game.
“Because right now, I’m the most exciting thing you have going on in your life.” He brushes a stray piece of hair away from my eyes. “You get up every morning and throw on one of your expensive business suits. You wear your hair the same way, take your coffee the same way, and leave for work at exactly the same time. Your life revolves around the four walls that make up your little office, but your clients—they aren’t like me. You work late because your husband either isn’t home or he’s home but he’s not really there, not the way you want him to be anyway. That’s your life, Marley.”
“You don’t know anything.” My voice bellows.
“Then tell me what part of that I got wrong.”
I open my mouth to argue, but he has me pegged. One freaking day, and he has me all figured out.
“I need to go,” I say, pushing the door open. I punch the numbers into garage door and pray it opens before he has any thought of coming after me. It works the first time, and as soon as I close the door and walk into the kitchen, I hear his SUV pull away.
This isn’t going to work. 


Lisa De Jong is a wife, mother and full-time number cruncher who lives in the Midwest. Her writing journey involved insane amounts of coffee and many nights of very little sleep but she wouldn't change a thing. She also enjoys reading, football and music.

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