Happy release day to Beth Michele ♥
Adorazione smisurata per la cover del nuovo romanzo di questa autrice, già nei miei Maybes con il suo For the Love of Raindrops, vi ricordate? Be', che dire, penso proprio che questo bel libricino finirà dritto nei miei acquisti futuri ;) e voi cosa state aspettando?!
Adorazione smisurata per la cover del nuovo romanzo di questa autrice, già nei miei Maybes con il suo For the Love of Raindrops, vi ricordate? Be', che dire, penso proprio che questo bel libricino finirà dritto nei miei acquisti futuri ;) e voi cosa state aspettando?!
by Beth Michele
Contemporary Romance | 21 Marzo 2016
Ember Bennett was my beginning...but she was also the end.
She was my downfall.
And I never even saw her coming.
She didn’t burst into my life demanding to be noticed. Instead, she slipped in under my radar when I wasn’t looking. Caught me off guard.
I should have been paying better attention.
Because I found myself drawn to her. Her quirkiness, her laughter, her brutal honesty.
I didn’t ask for her. Still I found myself wanting her. Needing her. Craving her.
I just couldn’t have her.
I was minding my own business when Vance Davenport showed up.
He wasn’t talking, yet somehow I heard him.
I wasn’t looking, but my eyes sought him out.
He became something I never expected.
Until it all changed.
Then he became someone I wanted to forget.
Ember Bennett was my beginning...but she was also the end.
She was my downfall.
And I never even saw her coming.
She didn’t burst into my life demanding to be noticed. Instead, she slipped in under my radar when I wasn’t looking. Caught me off guard.
I should have been paying better attention.
Because I found myself drawn to her. Her quirkiness, her laughter, her brutal honesty.
I didn’t ask for her. Still I found myself wanting her. Needing her. Craving her.
I just couldn’t have her.
I was minding my own business when Vance Davenport showed up.
He wasn’t talking, yet somehow I heard him.
I wasn’t looking, but my eyes sought him out.
He became something I never expected.
Until it all changed.
Then he became someone I wanted to forget.


Beth Michele is the author of Love Love, Lovely, Scarred Beautiful, Finding Autumn, Rex and For the Love of Raindrops. She is a Connecticut native who loves spending time with her husband and two children. If you can’t find her, though, she’s probably hiding out with her kindle somewhere quiet, preferably a spot overlooking the ocean. She has an affinity for Twizzlers, is a hopeless romantic, and a happily ever after fanatic.
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