Buon mercoledì a tutti voi :D
Ci siamo, ci siamo, ci siamooo → domani è il grande giorno!!! Mi rifiuto di dirvi di cosa sto parlando, se non l'avete capito >.< Anyway, oggi sono qui per segnalarvi il primo romanzo della nuova serie della bravissima Callie Hart ♥ C'è qualcuno che la segue? Io l'ho scoperta con Deviant, il primo della sua famosa serie Blood and Roses, e prestissimo leggerò Fracture ▬ altro libro incluso nel mio ordine del 16 Febbraio su Amazon ;) Che ne dite di questa cover?! Pazzesca :Q_ Correte a leggere gli estratti e i teasers!
Ci siamo, ci siamo, ci siamooo → domani è il grande giorno!!! Mi rifiuto di dirvi di cosa sto parlando, se non l'avete capito >.< Anyway, oggi sono qui per segnalarvi il primo romanzo della nuova serie della bravissima Callie Hart ♥ C'è qualcuno che la segue? Io l'ho scoperta con Deviant, il primo della sua famosa serie Blood and Roses, e prestissimo leggerò Fracture ▬ altro libro incluso nel mio ordine del 16 Febbraio su Amazon ;) Che ne dite di questa cover?! Pazzesca :Q_ Correte a leggere gli estratti e i teasers!

Titolo: Rebel
Autore: Callie Hart
Serie: Dead Man's Ink #1
Serie: Dead Man's Ink #1
Genere: Contemporary Romance
──────✤ B u y o n ✤──────
──────✤ R e a d t h e E x c e r p t s ✤──────
“You gonna sit down or what?”
I sit down. Arguing with him would be futile. We sit there, side by side, staring off down the arrow-straight road, and for a moment I don’t hate him. He pulls a cell phone out of his pocket and taps something into it, and then he turns to face me, frowning slightly.
“You believe in vengeance?”
“You mean like revenge?”
He shakes his head. “Revenge is a selfish act. Retaliation for something. Vengeance is a different thing altogether. It’s about obtaining justice, usually for someone who can’t claim it for themselves.”
This is an odd line of questioning but I decide I’ll bite. Maybe I wouldn’t if he were being a jerk like he was a couple of hours ago, but that’s not what’s happening. He’s pensive, the live wire that apparently runs through him dulled for the moment. “I don’t know,” I say. “Probably, in that case.”
“What if I simplified the question?
What if I say, do you believe in justice?
“Then, yes, I do believe.”***
“You think you use your brain when you’re having sex?”
Rebel’s pen freezes on the paper. He turns, then, towering over me, my face level with his belt buckle. It’s as though I can literally feel the heat rolling off his body. He’s intimidating and overwhelming, his presence a powerful force to be reckoned with.
“Oh, Sophia. I use my brain. Every time I sleep with a woman, I’m using my head to figure out what she likes. How she likes it. What I can do to have her screaming my name until her throat’s raw.”
“It’s time for you to tell me your name.” She arches an eyebrow at me. I can just imagine her getting them waxed in some fancy fucking boutique beauty parlor in Seattle, run by Asian hipsters with shaved undercuts and thick glasses. She seems like the type. “Why do you want to know?” she asks, cockiness filling her voice.
“I’m asking because I need something to call you. And if you don’t tell me your name, I’m going to be forced to call you One Eighty-One. And I’m guessing you won’t like being called One Eighty-One.”
“Why would you call me that?”
“Because that’s the reference Hector Ramirez gave you when you uploaded your picture onto his skin site. Hector tags his girls chronologically. The first girl he sold was number one. The fifty-third girl he sold was tagged fifty-three. Using that logic, guess how many girls he sold before he tagged you one eight one?”
“So a hundred and eighty other women came before me?” She looks like she’s going to throw up.
“Exactly. And he hasn’t been caught. The police haven’t raided his place out there in the desert. No one has reported his website. No one came to rescue the one hundred and eighty other girls who came before you, and no one is coming for you, either. So if you want reminding of that every single time I call you one eight—“
“Sophia!” She screws her eyes shut, clenching her jaw. “My name is fucking Sophia, motherfucker.” She spits out the words like they’re poison. When she looks at me again, I can see the fury burning in the dark depths of her dark brown eyes. She comes alive when she’s angry. A thrill of adrenalin stabs through me, sending mixed signals to my cock; provoking such a violent reaction from her is provoking an entirely different reaction from me. For the first time, I see her. Fucking Sophia. I don’t see her as a means to an end—a potential way to take down the bastard who killed my uncle. I see her. I see her as a woman, and she is beautiful.
“Alright, Sophia. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
──────✤ T e a s e r s ✤──────

──────✤ E n t e r t h e G i v e a w a y ✤──────
──────✤ A b o u t t h e A u t h o r ✤──────

Callie has experienced many changes throughout her life, and gone through many ups and downs that have all worked towards shaping and molding her into the person she is today: fun loving, active, social, and hard working. The only thing that has remained a constant throughout her life is writing. Creating characters who will tear your conscience in two is a favorite pastime of Callie’s. There are few real saints and sinners in her books; more often, the denizens of her stories are all very human. Broken, flawed, and always with the potential for redemption.
Despite the subject matter being markedly hot and heavy in comparison to the stories she wrote in elementary school, there will always be an element of fairytale to her work.
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