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Maldeamores (Lovesick) by Mara White

Sono felice di prender parte al blog tour di Mara White per presentarvi il suo famosissimo Maldeamores (Lovesick), un romanzo che tratta un argomento tabù come la relazione proibita tra due cugini *_* DEVO ASSOLUTAMENTE LEGGERE QUESTO LIBRO! L'estratto è suuuper intrigante e in graphic teaser sono stupendi. Che cosa state aspettando?! Correte a comprarlo‼

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Serie: (Maldeamores #1)
Editore: Heightsbound
Genere: Taboo Romance
Data di pubblicazione: 22 Giugno 2015
Lingua: Inglese
Acquista su: Amazon IT | Amazon US

Belén: I’ve loved Luciano ever since I can remember, desired him before I even knew what it meant. He’s always been the only man in my life—my constant protector, and his rejection only intensifies my need.

Luciano: I’ve never known a love more fierce than the one I feel for Belén. But I force myself to deny her no matter how much it hurts.

Our love is a sickness and both of us are infected.

Because there’s no cure for being from the same family.


“This is so stupid.  I can’t believe she’s making me do it.”
“It ain’t that bad.  This neighborhood is fucked up, you might need to use it.  Nice sweat suit,” I say, unable to hide my amusement.
“Don’t make fun of me,” she says, moving her hands across her chest.
“This is good.  Stay like that,” I say and move around behind her.  I wrap my arms around hers and squeeze her in a tight grip.  She’s so small and her hair smells good enough for me to want to nuzzle my face in it.
“How’d you shake me if I had you like this?” I ask.
Belén tries to pull her arms apart and groans at the effort.  She doesn’t move an inch even though she’s trying as hard as she can.   I can’t help but smile at how cute she is.
“Do it to me and I’m gonna show you how to get out of it.”
Belén wraps her arms around me and I laugh at her size.  She knees me in the butt and we both start to laugh at the situation.  I shoulda shared the joint with her to loosen her up.
“You’re gonna bend your knees fast and twist out of it.  He’s not expecting you to go down, so his grip is centered on you breaking free from the front.” I show her a couple of times.  “Get it?  Now you try.”
Belén slips around front and her ass brushes my groin.  I fight with everything inside me to ignore it and move on.  She slips through my arms easily the next couple of rounds.  I’m letting her win, because it’s all I can do to keep my dick from getting hard.
“It’s hot in here,” Belén says, brushing a stray bit of hair from her cheek.
“Yeah,” I say, looking at her flushed face and thinking about how pretty she is.
I teach her the same surprise technique to roll your arms in and under when someone grabs both of your forearms.  She gets that one quick and giggles at her own ability.  I smile as I watch her confidence rise.
“How’s it going in here?” Tía Betty asks, coming in to observe.
“Belén’s a natural.  They gonna be sorry they ever laid hands on her.”
“God forbid!” Betty says. “Well, she’s got a great teacher.” My aunt nods her head, looking at me affectionately.  Her compliment makes me feel good, like I’m useful to them.  Belén’s a goddamned natural at everything.  Sometimes I feel like a loser in comparison.
“The last thing I’m gonna show you is how to get out from under a straddle.  I know it sounds impossible, especially when you’re small, but there’s a trick to it.”
Belén looks nervous and casts her eyes to the floor.  She doesn’t want me to straddle her.  I don’t want to straddle her either and at the same time, alls I want to do is fucking straddle her.
“Lie down on the floor,” I tell her.  She does as I ask.  She looks scared stiff.  I stand over her, one foot on each side of her waist.  She’s playing with her fingers nervously.  I kinda want to say something to get her to calm down, but at the same time her nerves are adorable.  I know she’s thinking about the kiss right now, but I can’t let my head go there.
“Belén!” I say, and she looks up to my face.  “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”
“I know,” she says, so quietly it’s almost a whisper.
I kneel over her hips and then lower my weight onto her.  I grab both of her arms and lift them above her head.  I put pressure on her wrists and stare into her face.  Jesus Fucking Christ I want to kiss her!
“Try to throw me off,” I say.  Belén struggles pathetically.  She doesn’t move an inch.  It’s not that she’s not trying but it’s the most vulnerable possible position to be in.  I learned this in wrestling and I know you can throw someone twice your size if you use the right leverage.
I try not to feel the area where our thighs come together.  I try hard not to notice the heat that radiates out from her center.  I try even harder not to notice that my dick is twitching.  She’s trying too, pretending that she doesn’t feel it either.
“Move your feet in, up closer to your butt,” I command.  Belén’s face is flushed and her eyes tell me she’s somewhere else.  But she still responds to the call of my voice.  She lifts her feet and I pretend I don’t notice the roll of her hips under mine and how innocent and sweet she feels trapped underneath me.
“Now you got stronger leverage, so you’re going to thrust with your hips up and to the side; at the same time use the force of your arms together to bring your whole body up.  Understand?”
She nods and our eyes catch.  She doesn’t want out of this position.  I don’t either.  My cock starts to grow just from making eye contact with her.
“Push me off,” I say and Belén does her damnedest.  She follows the directions and she does have a little bit of power.  But for some asshole reason I can’t let her win this one.  I stay right the fuck on top of her.
Her breath is coming fast and she thrusts again, this time rolling her hips to the right.  I press in harder with mine and force her hands to the floor again.  At this point I’m just fucking with her.
“I can’t do it, Lucky!” she says, still exerting fierce little Belén energy.
“One more time!” I say and she pulls her feet in closer to her butt and thrusts, lifting her pelvis up.  I roll off of her still holding her wrists.  She ends up on top of me, our positions reversed.  But instead of getting off, she lets go of my arms and then slaps me.
“What the fuck?” I say, grabbing my face.  I scramble to get her wrists and I roll this time, faster, yanking her under me.  I’m back on top and she’s breathing so hard her chest is heaving.  I can see her nipples through her sports bra and now my stupid cock is fully at attention.
‘Why’d you slap me, Belén?” I ask, all out of breath.
“’Cause you deserve it!  You’re an attacker,” she says, and I smile a little.
“I’m gonna teach you how to really hit.  You can’t go around bitch-slapping people.”
I get her up against the wall and adjust my crotch. 
“Make a fist like this, Bey,” I say, holding my fist up to her face.
She mimics my fist and hers is tiny.  She puts both fists up like she’s ready to box me.  She is not a tough girl at all and I almost start laughing.
“Come up from underneath, just like this, toward my jaw.” I wrap my hand around her fist and guide it in an upper-cut to my face.  Belén looks at me with so much trust that it guts me.  Her eyes are wide, her cheeks pink, her hair messy.  She chews on her lip while she traces the line in the air with her fist.
“Go ahead, hit me.”
“I don’t want to,” she says, looking frustrated.
“Yes you do!”
“I don’t want to, Lucky.”
“Fucking hit me, Bey.  I need to know that you can take care of yourself!”
“No!” she says and I force her back hard.  I grab her arms again and pin them to the wall.  I don’t think we’re talking about hitting anymore; we’re talking about that kiss.
I want to grab her chin and force her to kiss me again with all that she’s got.  I want to shove my body against her and show her just how fucking crazy she makes me.
But instead I lay my forehead against hers and the tips of our noses touch.  I close my eyes and nod my head ever so lightly.
“Game over!” I say and spring back from the wall.  Belén’s face goes into shock as I simultaneously abandon all of the points of contact between our bodies.
“I’m done!” I say and stride to my bedroom. 
I slam the door in case they don’t understand just how fucking done I am.  



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