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Release Blitz: Sudden Flames by Shanora Williams

Buon giovedì!
Purtroppo oggi non ci sarà la rubrica Throwback Thursday, in quanto sono in netto ritardo sulla mia tabella di marcia lavorativa :( perciò ho giusto il tempo di augurare un happy release day a Shanora WilliamsSudden Flames è il secondo volume della sua nuova serie ad alto tasso erotico ▬ e non vedo l'ora di leggerla :D

by Shanora Williams

Sweet Promises #2 | Erotic Romance | 10 Marzo 2016

I have been lied to.
And now, threatened.
With Angelina, it was quick. Sudden.
I was a moth and she was the flame. I had to touch her. I needed a taste. By doing so, my life has completely spiraled. And then there’s Colette, and her slew of bullshit.
She’s lied to me to over and over again. Sadly, because of that, I no longer crave her love.
Who am I to trust when the world and the people I love seem to be turning against me?
Who is there to fall back on when none of them seem safe enough?
Betrayal no more.
Give a man like me flames, and I will torch anything that stands in my way.
I will burn it right down to the ground.
And yes, that includes the women I care about.


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“You can’t avoid my questions forever, Colette.”
“I know.” I smile down at him and he watches my eyes, narrowing his in the process.
“You know what?”
“I know I can’t ignore you for long. But, honestly, there’s nothing to say.”
His eyes are still thin. “You aren’t upset about all of this? Because I’m fucking pissed. With Gabriel, Colette? Fucking Gabriel? What does he have that I don’t?”
I shrug one shoulder, lips pressing together. “Nothing really.” And then I grin.
“So why do it? I have never made you feel lonely. I have always been here for you. I have jumped hurdle after hurdle for you, Colette, and you go and give your body to Gabriel just like that? I fucked up, I know, but I never would have even considered it if you’d actually given me a chance at making you happy again.” He sighs. “I mean, I know we have had our problems, but you should discuss your issues with me. Not him.”
His face softens and sadness masks it. He looks me in the eyes, almost on the verge of tears, his head shaking, face full of disbelief.
Aw. I’ve hurt him. I’ve really done it now.
“It just happened.” I pull the comforter over my legs.
“Things don’t just happen. Not that way, Colette.”
“So you and Angelina?” I snap. “You two didn’t just ‘happen’?” I fold my arms tightly across my chest.
“No.” His head shakes, nostrils flaring as he finally looks away from me. “No, we didn’t just happen. She listened. She was there. She understood what was going on with me and she—”
My lips parts as each thing he says about her feels like a stomp on the chest. I thin my eyes at him, shaking my head with disbelief. “Wow,” I breathe. “You really like this girl, huh?”
He doesn’t respond, and really he doesn’t have to. I can see it. It’s written all over him. I should take it as a good sign that he’s using the past tense when in reference to her. Hopefully it means she’s in the past too.


Shanora Williams is a twenty-something that creates authentic romantic stories that, may or may not, make you question what a "Happily Ever After" truly is. After hitting the New York Times and USA Today bestsellers list at the mere age of nineteen, Shanora ventured further into the creative writing world, working even harder to create unique and memorable romances for all to enjoy. She currently resides in Waxhaw, North Carolina and is the mother of one amazing boy, in love with her devoted man, and a sister to eleven. When she isn't writing, she's spending time with her family, binge reading, or running marathons on Netflix while scarfing down anything sweet and salty. She also writes under the pen name S. Q. Williams.

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