Una felice e nevosa domenica a tutti ^_^
Stamattina vi lascio la mia recensione di Shameless, nuovo romanzo New Adult di Teresa Mummert, in uscita domani‼ Aw, che bella lettura è stata *_* Correte subito a prenotare la vostra copia, così ve la ritroverete sul vostro Kindle o Kobo non appena sarà online ;)
New Adult • 423 pag. • 9 Gennaio 2017 ❤TopFav |
Shame On You #1
Every student at Shame U has their secrets, and Henley Brooks is no exception. Struggling to pay for college and maintain her perfect reputation has become overwhelming. When her friend Gigi Oxford offers her a night of carefree fun, she can’t pass up the opportunity to unwind.
After a night of drinking turns to chaos, Henley finds herself alone with Lucas Young, a student from London who has come to America to unravel a few secrets of his own, as well as break a few hearts.
Covered in tattoos and drowning in liquor, Lucas was everything Henley should avoid but couldn’t resist. She soon begins to fall for him like the many women before her. But after stumbling across something he didn’t want her to see, she learns that Lucas may not be who she thinks he is.
Henley and Gigi devise a plan to teach Lucas a lesson, but it isn’t long before Henley learns that no one at Shamus Thornton College can be trusted.
When everything begins to feel like it is falling apart, there is only one person Henley wants to pick up the pieces, even if he is the person who caused her to crumble.
After a night of drinking turns to chaos, Henley finds herself alone with Lucas Young, a student from London who has come to America to unravel a few secrets of his own, as well as break a few hearts.
Covered in tattoos and drowning in liquor, Lucas was everything Henley should avoid but couldn’t resist. She soon begins to fall for him like the many women before her. But after stumbling across something he didn’t want her to see, she learns that Lucas may not be who she thinks he is.
Henley and Gigi devise a plan to teach Lucas a lesson, but it isn’t long before Henley learns that no one at Shamus Thornton College can be trusted.
When everything begins to feel like it is falling apart, there is only one person Henley wants to pick up the pieces, even if he is the person who caused her to crumble.
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Bugie, segreti e tanto tormento! |
*ARC gentilmente offerta dall'autrice. Thank you!*
Ricordo ancora quando lessi un estratto del primo capitolo di questo romanzo sulla pagina FB di Teresa: fu infatuazione per Lucas all'istante! Così, quando l'autrice ha offerto la possibilità di richiedere una ARC per una recensione onesta, non mi sono assolutissimamente lasciata sfuggire l'occasione :D
Shameless è stato una lettura molto COINVOLGENTE, ma conoscendo l'autrice, non mi aspettavo di meno. Amo le storie ricche di TORMENTO E SEGRETI. Ogni scena tra Lucas e Henley trabocca ANGST E ATTRAZIONE, tanto da farvi arricciare gli alluci :3
«Perché ti nascondi dietro tutti quei tatuaggi, comunque?»Il legame tra i protagonisti cresce di pagina in pagina, portando con sé cose non dette, sentimenti espressi con piccoli, incisivi gesti. Gesti che ti stringono il cuore, gesti che te lo spezzano.
«Non mi sto nascondendo. Indosso il mio cuore sulle braccia. Tutto ciò che gli altri vogliono sapere su di me è proprio davanti alle loro facce. Molti semplicemente non si scomodano a guardare».
«Cerca di mostrarti che sei troppo in gamba per Lucas».Se avete seguito i miei stati su GR, sapete quando questo libro mi abbia emozionato: rabbia, sofferenza, passione, amore, meschinità, fiducia, gelosia. Shameless racchiude tutto questo e molto di più! Brava, Teresa :D
Grugnii. «So già di essere troppo in gamba per Lucas».
«Almeno siamo d'accordo su qualcosa, amore» intervenne una voce profonda alle mie spalle.
Sei la verità che stavo cercando.


Teresa Mummert grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania where she began dating her husband when they were only sixteen years old. They married at eighteen and soon moved to Louisiana as her husband began his military career. They are the proud parents of four children that they are raising in Georgia.
Teresa began writing when her husband deployed to Afghanistan as a way to cope with him being away at war. She soon became a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Her work includes the word of mouth bestselling White Trash Trilogy which landed her a three book publishing deal with Simon & Schuster. She has also written the New York Times and USA Today bestselling novel The Note and the USA Today bestselling novel Safe Word. Other novels include Perfect Lie, Pretty Little Things, the Honor Series, Rellik, The Good Girls, Something Wicked, Crave, The Death of Lila Jane, Hollow (Hollow Point #1), Bleed Ink (Indie Author Guide), and the USA Today bestselling novel Sweet Nothing co-written with Jamie McGuire.
Future releases include Hellion (Hollow Point #2), Shameless, Defending Her Honor (Honor Series), Cruel, Depravity, When the Memories Fade, Weeping Willow, Paper Doll, The Deep, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Rocked, Before I Wake, Fall to Pieces, Ash & Dust, and Victim. She also has a Middle-Grade children's novel coming out soon titled The Seeker under the pseudonym T.S. Mummert.
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