Passiamo alla seconda Cover Reveal di questo bel venerdì di fine Aprile :)
Si tratta di Fury, scritto da Fisher Amelie, terzo romanzo di una serie che il mio buon vecchio amico Gooreads mi ha suggerito per lungo tempo. L'ho subito presa in considerazione, affascinata dalle cover e dai booktrailers, ma non l'ho mai inserita della mia wishlist. Ora, le cover sono cambiate e il mio interesse è scemato, mi spiace :/ Nel caso si trovassero ugualmente i cartacei con le vecchie cover, bene, altrimenti amen.
Si tratta di Fury, scritto da Fisher Amelie, terzo romanzo di una serie che il mio buon vecchio amico Gooreads mi ha suggerito per lungo tempo. L'ho subito presa in considerazione, affascinata dalle cover e dai booktrailers, ma non l'ho mai inserita della mia wishlist. Ora, le cover sono cambiate e il mio interesse è scemato, mi spiace :/ Nel caso si trovassero ugualmente i cartacei con le vecchie cover, bene, altrimenti amen.
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Titolo: Fury Autore: Fisher Amelie Serie: Seven Deadly #3 Genere: New Adult Romance Data d'uscita: 4 Maggio 2015 ![]() |
Revenge is an euphoric thing. Trust me on this. Nothing compares to the release you get when you ruin someone’s life. When they’ve stolen important things. Things that didn’t belong to them. Things I revel in making them pay for.
What? Have I offended you? I’m not here to appeal to your delicate senses. I have no intention of placating your wishes or living within your personal belief system nor do I care if you hate me. And you will hate me. Because I’m a brutal, savage, cold-blooded murderer and I’m here for my revenge.
I’m Ethan Moonsong...And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most sacrificing man to the most feared and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
What? Have I offended you? I’m not here to appeal to your delicate senses. I have no intention of placating your wishes or living within your personal belief system nor do I care if you hate me. And you will hate me. Because I’m a brutal, savage, cold-blooded murderer and I’m here for my revenge.
I’m Ethan Moonsong...And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most sacrificing man to the most feared and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
We start where we left off from Fisher’s last excerpt. If you’d like to
read it, you can go here!
FURY, Excerpt
she asked. “Is that you?”
Finley,” I answered.
“How are you?”
she asked, somehow devoid of the pity I’d often heard in so many greetings
since Cricket. I was grateful to her for this.
“I’m fine,” I
slurred, lifting my head a bit to meet her eyes.
A grin met her
lips. “You were always a terrible liar.” Her smile fell a little. “What are you
doing here?”
“I’m drinking.”
She narrowed
her eyes. “You hate drinking.”
“I learned to
love it,” I said, downing the remaining contents of my glass, letting it burn.
She looked me
up and down, making me feel self-conscious. “But apparently it doesn’t love
“Thanks,” I
snorted, acting like I didn’t care. But I did.
“You look
terrible,” she said, ignoring me. “Are you even eating?”
“I’m consuming
the daily recommended calorie intake,” I hedged.
“Ah,” she
answered, examining my empty glass.
I shook my head
and signaled to Vi for another.
Finley narrowed
her eyes once more. “Can I get a basket of chicken tenders too, Vi?” she added.
“Sure thing,”
she said, ringing up Finley’s food before grabbing the bottle of Jack and
filling me to the top.
Finley examined
my glass but didn’t say a word.
“What?” I
asked, feeling defensive.
“Nothing,” she
answered, looking at her hands.
“Judging me?”
“Not at all,”
she said sincerely and looked me dead in the eye.
This look froze
me, and the glass slipped from my fingers and back onto the bar top, spilling a
little from the rim.
“I’ve done that
very thing,” she said, gesturing toward my glass.
“Drink ’til you’re numb?”
“No,” she said,
“succumb to a vice in order to forget.”
I leaned forward,
stunned by this admission, and my eyes found hers. “What, Finley?”
She hesitated,
started to open her mouth, but someone called her name and she turned around.
It was an ex-classmate of ours, couldn’t remember her name, the one she’d been
dancing with, and I found myself
feeling anxious all of a sudden. I hadn’t felt anxious in a long time. Hadn’t
felt anything, really, other than severe pain and shame, in a very long
time. Huh.
“Finley, Chris
is gonna give me a ride back home. You cool?” the girl asked, eyeing me. She
knew. The whole town knew about my tumble down the rabbit hole.
“Yeah, Holly
Raye. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she answered, her brows scrunched in
Finley was
surprised by Holly Raye’s apparent worry which I found odd.
“Okay,” Holly
Raye said, kissing Finley’s cheek.
Chris was
waiting by the door for her, and we both watched them leave, afraid to speak,
our earlier moment gone.
Vi walked up
with Finley’s chicken tenders and set them in front of her. Her fingers found
one but lifted up quickly with a tiny gasp.
“Hot,” she
whispered, resting her fingers against the side of her water glass.
She let them
cool for a few moments and we sat in awkward silence. I wasn’t sure what she
was still doing there. I didn’t have any clue why she had even started to talk
to me either. I mean, I knew in high school she’d had a crush on me, but I
figured it was long gone. She used to stare at me a little doe eyed, and I had
always done my best to be kind to her but not too kind. I’d considered her a
friend but nothing more, even if I did take solace in my conversations with
her. I’d never admitted that out loud to anyone then, though, not that I was
ashamed or anything. It’s just, I was in love with Cricket.
The ache in my
chest burned deep, a restless reminder of all I’d lost. And suddenly I felt
guilty for finding Finley attractive even when I thought she was a stranger.
Even after Cricket left me for Spencer.
“You should
probably leave,” I told her.
She looked at
me like I was crazy. “I’ll do whatever I want,” she said, sitting taller,
pitching me that confident Finley attitude I remembered from high school.
“Whatever,” I
said, then called out to Vi for another round, which she served up quickly.
Finley tore
apart a few tenders then handed me half of one.
“Uh, no,” I
said, downing my glass.
“Uh, yes,” she
mocked, shoving the piece in my face.
“Stop,” I said,
swiping it away.
“Eat, damn it,”
she said.
I looked at her
and the expression on her face told me she wouldn’t quit, so I roughly took it
from her and took a large bite. She bit into her own piece, a smug look on her
face. She practically hand fed me every piece in the damn basket, but I didn’t
care. I knew what she was doing, but it wouldn’t work because the liquor
resting in my belly was too substantial to be worked against.
“What have you
done with your summer?” she asked me.
“This,” I said,
gesturing to my glass.
“What the hell,
“What, are you
my mother?” I asked, immediately regretting those choice of words. I closed my
Mom. My heart dropped into my throat. Must remedy
“Vi,” I said
loudly to her at the other end of the bar. “One more.”
Vi walked the
length of the bar and filled my glass again, much to Finley’s obvious horror.
“Vi, can I get
some mozzarella sticks?” she asked.
“Of course,
Finley smiled
at me.
“I’m not eating
those,” I told her.
“Oh, you’ll eat
“I won’t.”
“You will.”
“I sure as hell
will not, Finley Dyer.”
She leaned
closer and my head began to swim. Her signature scent of apples and wild
daisies swarmed around me, making my heart race. It’d never bothered me before. It’s
the liquor, I told myself.
“You will or
I’m taking your ass home right now.”
“You can just
kiss that ass, Fin.”
“That’s the
Jack talking.”
“No, that’s me.
I don’t want to play anymore. I want to be left alone now.”
“You see,” she
said, settling her elbows on the bar top, “I think- No, I know you’re
lying. Like I said before, you’re a terrible liar. I think you’ve lied so often
about wanting to be left alone, though, that you’ve convinced your head it’s
the truth, but you can’t convince the heart, Ethan. You know why? Because the
heart can’t ever be lied to, and yours beats the loneliest I’ve ever heard.”
I didn’t answer
her. Couldn’t answer her.
“What have you
done this summer?” I asked, ignoring her spot-on observation.
She played
along. “I’ve had a temp job here in Kalispell answering phones for Smith
Travel, trying to earn cash for my trip.”
My brows
furrowed. “What trip?”
“I’m heading
over to Vietnam for a year.”
This shocked
me. “What in the world would you go to Vietnam for?”
“Charity work,”
she answered, making me laugh.
“Why?” I asked.
“Don’t be an
asshole,” she replied.
“No, really,
“I’ve wanted to
do this for close to five years now.”
“How come I
don’t ever remember you talking about this at school?”
“Ethan,” she
said softly, “let’s not pretend we ever really talked in high school deeper
than filler conversation.”
This wounded me
a little, though I’m not sure why. “What the hell, Finley? You and I were
Now it was her
turn to laugh. “We were most definitely not friends. I may know everything
about you and you may know everything about me because we grew up together, but
we were not friends. You had a constant bodyguard in Cricket.”
I sat up at the
mention of her name. “Don’t ever say her name again,” I gritted.
She raised her
hands in concession. “Fine.”
There was a
pregnant pause as she let me calm myself down.
“I talked to
you a lot in the classes we had,” I offered.
“We talked a
lot about the upcoming football games or class assignments. Once or twice, we
took the seventy-year-old route and discussed the weather.”
I fought my
grin. “Okay, so it was always surface observation, but we were kids.”
“No, Ethan,
that’s not what it was.”
“Well, you were
in love with me,” I bravely spit. “I couldn’t take it further than just below
the shoal.” Thank you, Mr. Daniels.
“Full of
yourself, are we?” she asked. “Listen,” she continued, “I had a crush on you in
high school. So what? Lots of girls did. But I was, am, a human
being. You didn’t have to treat me like some leper. Trust me, Ethan, we all
know who you belonged to,” she said.
She stood to
leave, but I grabbed her arm. The heated warmth of her skin shot straight to my
heart. We looked at one another, wide eyed, our chests panting. I shook my head
to recompose myself. “I’m sorry,” I told her, encouraging her to sit back down.
“I’m- I know you deserved better.”
She hesitated
but sat back in her seat. I stared at her, a little too intently thanks to the
Jack. She nodded once and we sat in a comfortable silence as I had five more
The whiskey
made my body heavy as hell, the weight of its honeyed venom deadened the ache inside
me pleasantly.
I sighed and
smiled to myself.
“What’s so
funny?” she asked.
I looked up at
her though it felt unusually burdensome and leaned toward her. “I’m going to
get them back,” I admitted to her.
She narrowed
her eyes. “Who, Ethan?”
I said, bringing a tired finger to my lips. “Don’t tell anyone.”
I fell back
into my chair. I brought my fingers to my empty glass and tilted it, balancing
it on one finger. She was quiet for a moment.
“Ethan,” she
began, whispering, “that’s not like you.”
I smiled. “I’m
not who I used to be, Finley.”
“That’s a
shame,” she said, “because you used to be wonderful.”
I narrowed my
eyes at her. “Do you know what they did to me?”
“She left you
for him,” she said matter-of-factly.
I let the glass
tip over onto its side at her bluntness. “Exactly. After all I did for her.
After all I was to her. She left me for him.”
“She wasn’t
meant for you, Ethan.”
My skin burned
with hatred at that statement. “No one is meant for anyone, Finley. You choose
someone and then you make a commitment.”
She shook her
head at me. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.“
“She chose me,
convinced me that she was all in, and I was willing to die for her because of
it. She convinced me she actually loved me. I thought she loved me.”
“She did love
you. I believe she, you both really, would have been somewhat happy if Spencer
had never shown up.”
“You’re not
hearing me. You both would have been somewhat happy. Neither
of you would have been utterly happy.”
This infuriated
me. “I could have made her happy!” I yelled, earning a few glances from around
the bar.
“Yes, you could
have made her happy, but not as happy as Spencer does.”
My blood
simmered in my veins. “You are cruel,” I bit.
She leaned
forward. “I’m being honest with you. Someone has to since you’re not being
honest with yourself. I saw them together, Ethan, and she never looked at you
like that.”
“Stop,” I said,
gritting my teeth. “Stop.”
“Ethan,” she
said, resting her hand on mine. I yanked it from her. “Don’t you want the same
thing for yourself? Don’t you want forever with someone who burns for you the
way you burn for her? You deserve that just as much as she does.”
“Shut up,” I
said, bringing my hands to my hair and fisting it at my ears. I didn’t want to
hear it.
“Fine,” she
said, sitting up. She looked around her and asked Vi for two cups of coffee.
I couldn’t
breathe. Finley voiced everything I’d worked so hard to drown out, I’d
attempted to numb. I hated her for ruining the struggle to suppress it. I just
wanted to pretend. I wanted my hate, wanted it to live close to me. It was the
only thing I felt could keep me alive. I couldn’t let her go. I didn’t want her
to be loved by anyone but me. I didn’t want to be reminded that someone else
really did love her better than I did, that someone else made her happier.
Because I had watched them too. I saw what Finley saw, and my God did I hate
Spencer Blackwell for it.
I wanted
I wanted sadness.
I wanted revenge.

Fisher Amelie resides in the South with her kick ace husband slash soul mate. She earned her first ‘mama’ patch in 2009. She also lives with her Weim, Jonah, and her Beta, Whale. All these living creatures keep the belly of her life full, sometimes to the point of gluttony, but she doesn’t mind all that much because life isn’t worth living if it isn’t entertaining, right?
Fisher is the author of The Seven Deadly Series, The Sleepless Series, and The Leaving Series, and was a semi-finalist in Amazon’s Breakthrough Novel Award.

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