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★ Cover Reveal + Segnalazione: Do Not Disturb by A. R. Torre

Good morning, folks :P
Oggi è un'altra mattinata ricca di Cover Reveals! Partiamo con la prima: svelata ieri la copertina del sequel de La ragazza del 6E di A. R. Torre, alias la nostra Ale, che io ho A-D-O-R-A-T-O ♥ Aww, non vedo davvero l'ora che esca qui in Italia *•* Fabbri Editori, non mi deludere, eh! Questo romanzo DEVE essere pubblicato qui >.<

Cover realizzata da: Wendy Chan
Titolo: Do Not Disturb
Autore: A. R. Torre
Serie: The girl in 6E #2
Genere: Erotic Thriller
Data di uscita: 21 Aprile 2015

──────✤ S y n o p s i s ✤──────
1. Don’t leave the apartment
2. Never let anyone in.
3. Don’t kill anyone.

The rules were simple. I broke them. Now, I must face the consequences. Everyone else must face me.

──────✤ T e a s e r s ✤──────

──────✤ P r e - o r d e r ✤──────

Amazon | B&N

──────✤ E n t e r   t h e   G i v e a w a y ✤──────

Click here to win 3 signed hardcover copies of The Girl in 6E (open internationally)

──────✤ A b o u t   t h e   A u t h o r ✤──────

A New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Alessandra Torre has written seven novels, four of which became #1 Erotic Bestsellers. Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, became a breakout hit, rising to the top of the charts on Kindle and Amazon where it attracted the interest of major publishing houses and garnered Torre her first print deal with Harlequin HQN. Less than twelve months later, Torre signed a second print deal, this time with Redhook (Hachette) for her erotic thriller The Girl in 6E. From her home near the warm waters of the Emerald Coast in Florida, she devotes several hours each day to various writing projects and interacting with her fans on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Happily married and with one son, she loves watching SEC football games, horseback riding, reading and watching movies. Torre has four books slated for release in 2015. To stay informed, consider subscribing to her popular monthly newsletter.

Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads | Amazon | Newsletter

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