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★ Cover Reveal + Segnalazione: Second by Chantal Fernando

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Sorpresa delle sorprese, oggi c'è stato il Cover Reveal del prossimo romanzo di Chantal Fernando, di cui io ho letto Dragon's Lair, primo romanzo della serie Wind Dragons MC :D Ma quanto può essere bella questa cover?! *•* quando usciranno teaser e quant'altro, valuterò se inserirlo nella mia TBR, perché questa autrice mi piace un sacco ;)

Cover realizzata da: Cover it! Designs
Titolo: Second
Autore: Chantal Fernando
Genere: Contemporary Romance
Data di uscita: prossimamente nel 2015

The first time he saw me fall was in pain.
The second was in love--with him.

It wasn't meant to happen.
But he was there for me.
A bad boy I had nothing in common with.

He was trouble.
And he saved me.

But as secrets have their way of unravelling, truth came to light.
It always does.

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