Titolo: Sweet Destruction
Autore: Paige Weaver
Genere: NA Romace
Genere: NA Romace
Pagine: 390
Data di pubblicazione: 27 Maggio 2014
There’s a fine line between love and hate and they were about to cross it.
My name is Samantha Ross and this is my life.
I existed in a world that few know. Rundown trailers and crime-ridden streets were my home. Drugs and alcohol were the norm and happiness was the exception. I lived from day to day never knowing if I would have a roof over my head or food in my stomach. My life sucked. It took from me and gave nothing back.
But there was one certainty in my life. A black smudge on my window of hell.
Cole Walker.
He was a criminal. A thief. He brought hell and damnation with him wherever he went. He hurt and destroyed. He took and gave nothing in return. He was heartache and despair wrapped up in a perfect gorgeous package. Fast cars and fast women were his hobbies. His vices. But he had many.
I was one of them.
I was his addiction and his craving. His enemy on this earth. I feared him. I hated him. I loved him even more.
My name is Samantha Ross and this is my life.
I existed in a world that few know. Rundown trailers and crime-ridden streets were my home. Drugs and alcohol were the norm and happiness was the exception. I lived from day to day never knowing if I would have a roof over my head or food in my stomach. My life sucked. It took from me and gave nothing back.
But there was one certainty in my life. A black smudge on my window of hell.
Cole Walker.
He was a criminal. A thief. He brought hell and damnation with him wherever he went. He hurt and destroyed. He took and gave nothing in return. He was heartache and despair wrapped up in a perfect gorgeous package. Fast cars and fast women were his hobbies. His vices. But he had many.
I was one of them.
I was his addiction and his craving. His enemy on this earth. I feared him. I hated him. I loved him even more.

Oook, voi lo sapete che sono un po' strana, quando si tratta di mettere le stelline :P Quindi le mie cinque stelline sono tutte per l'incredibile, super arrapante Cole Walker *.* voglio dire solo una cosa: io non ho parole per questo ragazzo °_° sì, è leggermente dedito all'alcol, ma... ma... ma... vogliamo parlare di tutto il resto?!?!?! Lui e Sam, la protagonista, ci mettono un bel po' per andare al sodo ▬ ma per tutto il tempo la tensione sessuale tra i due mi ha fatto arricciare le dita dei piedi >.< la trama non è niente di speciale ▬ ma qua di speciale c'è la rude prestanza di Walker a letto! E in macchina, e nella doccia, e ovunque tu voglia, mio gran pezzo di maschio :3 Ammetto però che sul finale mi è schizzata l'adrenalina alle stelle, quando credevo che... :P però l'epilogo è proprio da occhiolino a Cole! Ooooh baby, you rock ;)
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