Titolo: My Masters' Nightmare: Season 1 | Episodes 1-5
Autore: Marita A. Hansen
Serie:The My Masters' Nightmare Collection #1
Genere: Dark Romance
Pagine: 368
Data di pubblicazione: 14 Marzo 2014
***Season 1's first collection, containing episodes 1-5***
Warning: This series contains non consent and dub consent.
I didn't see it coming, didn't realize how different everything would be within the space of a month. I would fall in love with one man, I would kill another, and I would lose my body, my mind, my soul - my freedom to them. I was an operative, a strong woman, someone sent in to save others, but under these two men I became weak - or pretended to be. I didn't like being weak, it angered me. If I had free rein I could cut my masters in two. But I wasn't there for pride, I was there to free those women and to take down the two men who sold them as sex slaves.
Those men needed to be punished
And I would do it
No matter the cost
Or how much I lost
Because I am Rita Kovak
Warning: This series contains non consent and dub consent.
I didn't see it coming, didn't realize how different everything would be within the space of a month. I would fall in love with one man, I would kill another, and I would lose my body, my mind, my soul - my freedom to them. I was an operative, a strong woman, someone sent in to save others, but under these two men I became weak - or pretended to be. I didn't like being weak, it angered me. If I had free rein I could cut my masters in two. But I wasn't there for pride, I was there to free those women and to take down the two men who sold them as sex slaves.
Those men needed to be punished
And I would do it
No matter the cost
Or how much I lost
Because I am Rita Kovak
Oh per tutti gli dèi dell'Olimpo °_° ma che cosa ho letto??? Non so se qualcuno di voi ha seguito i miei stati su Goodreads durante la lettura, ma io sono davvero senza parole o.O PERFEZIONE *.* ooooh da quanto aspettavo un libro del genere!!! Bellissimo, violento, linguaggio notevolmente crudo e volgare, scene da voltastomaco o da arricciamento dei piedi con conseguente orgasmo :3 ♥ Ehm ehm, vogliamo gentilmente parlare di Frano?!?!?! Più precisamente, di Frano e Rita??? Dio MIO °_° sesso, ragazze, questo sì che è sesso °O° e la scena in cui lei lo stupra??? Aww :Q_ non so che darei per vedere Frano venire... :P okay, la smetto la smetto!!! Ma voi non potete capire >.< io necessito disperatamente del cartaceo degli altri episodi T.T cioè... va bene che ci sarà la mia recensione ufficiale, ma nel frattempo parliamo di tutto quello che accade nei primi 5 episodi?!?!?!?! Io sono sconvolta *O* Maledetto Alberto >:( personalmente, gli avrei tagliato la gola, ma va bene anche così. E il finale con Rita???!!! Holy shit °_° No no no no no no no no >.< E adesso?!?!?!?!
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