Ideata da Breaking the Spine.
Rubrica mensile in cui metto sotto i riflettori le uscite che aspetto con trepidazione.
Rubrica mensile in cui metto sotto i riflettori le uscite che aspetto con trepidazione.
Eccomi di ritorno per segnalarvi una prossima uscita che attendo con ansia :D Vi piacciono le storie con protagonisti i fratellastri? Allora non potete di certo lasciarvi sfuggire questo romanzo‼

Contemporary Romance
STEPSISTER. He hated that f*cking word.
When their parents got married, the only thing Caleb Luxan had in common with Wren Brashill was that they both hated their parents. When he was sixteen, Caleb discovered Wren's closely guarded secret and vowed to protect her: from that day forward she became the reason for every decision he made.
Jealousy and long-suppressed desire overpowered Caleb's fierce protectiveness and they spent one forbidden and unforgettable night in each other arms, but the aftermath left Caleb panicked, Wren heartbroken, and their relationship in shambles. In the time since that fateful night, he’d only seen her once and had only managed to make the situation even worse.
The sudden death of his estranged father calls Caleb home and face-to-face with Wren for first time in years. He is presented with a choice that forces him to confront the painful memories of his youth and his many regrets with Wren.
Like it or not, his father's last, hard lesson, will demand Caleb deal with his long denied emotions for Wren, or let go of her forever.
When their parents got married, the only thing Caleb Luxan had in common with Wren Brashill was that they both hated their parents. When he was sixteen, Caleb discovered Wren's closely guarded secret and vowed to protect her: from that day forward she became the reason for every decision he made.
Jealousy and long-suppressed desire overpowered Caleb's fierce protectiveness and they spent one forbidden and unforgettable night in each other arms, but the aftermath left Caleb panicked, Wren heartbroken, and their relationship in shambles. In the time since that fateful night, he’d only seen her once and had only managed to make the situation even worse.
The sudden death of his estranged father calls Caleb home and face-to-face with Wren for first time in years. He is presented with a choice that forces him to confront the painful memories of his youth and his many regrets with Wren.
Like it or not, his father's last, hard lesson, will demand Caleb deal with his long denied emotions for Wren, or let go of her forever.
Perché sono rimasta LETTERALMENTE STREGATA DAL BOLLENTE ESTRATTO che vi ho svelato venerdì scorso‼ Sto leggendo le varie recensioni in anteprima che stanno spuntando su GR e sembra proprio il tipo di stephbrother romance che piace a me, ovvero ricco di angst e tensione sessuale alle stelle :3 Non vedo assolutissimamente l'ora di leggerlo‼ La cover è da urlo e lo stile dell'autrice già mi piace ♥
E voi invece cosa aspettate con ansia?
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