Proseguiamo con il secondo post ^_^
Ieri è uscita la collezione completa della serie Monsters in the Dark della straordinaria Pepper Winters!!! Oh sì, girls, sto parlando proprio di mio marito :3 Se non l'avete ancora fatto, correte ad acquistare il nuovissimo box set che comprende i tre romanzi della trilogia :D Pronti per una full immersion nel mondo oscuro di Mr Q Mercer?! ♥
Ieri è uscita la collezione completa della serie Monsters in the Dark della straordinaria Pepper Winters!!! Oh sì, girls, sto parlando proprio di mio marito :3 Se non l'avete ancora fatto, correte ad acquistare il nuovissimo box set che comprende i tre romanzi della trilogia :D Pronti per una full immersion nel mondo oscuro di Mr Q Mercer?! ♥

Titolo: Monsters in the Dark
Autore: Pepper Winters
Serie: Monsters in the Dark #1 - #3
Serie: Monsters in the Dark #1 - #3
Genere: Dark Erotic Romance
──────✤ T e a s e r s ✤──────

Three little words.
If anyone asked what I was most afraid
of, what terrified me, stole my breath, and made my life flicker before my
eyes, I would say three little words.
How could my perfect life plummet so far
into hell?
How could my love for Brax twist so far
into unfixable?
The black musty hood over my head
suffocated my thoughts, and I sat with hands bound behind my back. Twine rubbed
my wrists with hungry stringed teeth, ready to bleed me dry in this new
The cargo door of the airplane opened and
footsteps thudded toward us. My senses were dulled, muted by the black hood; my
mind ran amok with terror-filled images. Would I be raped? Mutilated? Would I
ever see Brax again?
Male voices argued, and someone wrenched
my arm upright. I flinched, crying out, earning a fist to my belly.
Tears streamed down my face. The first
tears I shed, but definitely not the last.
This was my new future. Fate threw me to the bastards of Hades.
“That one.”
My stomach twisted, threatening to evict
empty contents. Oh, God.
Three little words:
I was

Q’s face twisted; he captured my cheeks between hot hands.
“What are you?” he clipped, face hard and unreadable.
The question anchored me and I looked
into his pale ferocious eyes. I knew the answer he wanted. “I’m yours.”
He sucked in a heavy breath, body
jerking. “Say it again, but not in English.”
Q intoxicated me. My lips parted, and I
wanted to stay captured by him, forever. An ancient connection linked us
together. I looked into his soul—it churned with agony and demons, but he
wasn’t evil.
Q dropped his gaze to my lips. “Je suis à toi.” Something feral heated
his features; he pressed his mouth against mine in one fast kiss. “It means, I
am yours.”
My breath stuttered as power sliced, deep
and fast, igniting broken parts of me with sparks. His allure, his power, all
magnified to fist around my stomach. In the dark recess of my brain, I
translated his words to him being
mine. The power trip the little words gave was indescribable.
No wonder he wanted me to say it. I was
drunk on them. He was mine. Mine.
What life did Q live, needing to hear
such a strong affirmation? What ghosts haunted him?
Q tightened his fingers, biting into my
jaw. “Say it.”
With his command, I fumbled into the
victim I was, the rape survivor, the slave. The brief sense of ownership left
me bereft.
Q twisted my nipple under the wet
material of my bra. His cruelty reddened my skin and fight skittered into
yielding. He sent me reeling into needful and damaged. I’d been so close to
finding strength, but he took it away in an instant.
Fresh tears spilled as I whispered, “Je suis à toi.”
Q sighed heavily, resting his forehead on
mine. “Will you run again? Will you leave the one man who wants you above all
others? Leave his protection?” His voice wavered with regret, resignation, as
if he expected me to run, and already suffered loneliness.
My eyes popped wide; I shook my head.
“No, I won’t run again.”
He looked with half-hooded eyes. “How can
you be so sure? Don’t I scare you? Repulse you?”
He never repulsed me, and fear
where Q was concerned was an aphrodisiac. But I couldn’t tell him. “I will
never escape. Je suis à toi.”

“Worse than me?” he murmured. His voice
held an edge, almost as if his question meant a lot more than what he asked.
Wanting to give him something, after all
he did for me last night, I nodded. “A lot worse.”
He shook his head, eyes unfocused.
Memories swirled in their depths and I wanted to chase him wherever he went. I
wanted to know him. Would he ever let
me get close? Was a slave allowed to help her owner, while letting him use her
body? I didn’t know the rules.
Q finally released me, presenting the
other package. “This is for you.” His jaw clenched as I held my hands out,
accepting the large sketchpad and charcoal pencils. I opened it and couldn’t
breathe. Inside, architectural graph paper—the exact kind I used in my
university course—glowed fresh and new.
My eyes widened. “You remembered what I
told you…that first breakfast when you kissed me.”
He sat straighter, tension rippling in
his body. “I remember everything, esclave.
I remember how you smell, how you taste. I remember how you feel inside and how
terrified you were when I found you at Lefebvre’s residence. I also know things
you haven’t told me. You secretly like what I do to you. You think you hide it,
but I know that darkness in your eyes. It feeds me, calls to me.”
He fisted the covers, throwing
them off me, exposing my body. “Why else do you think I can’t leave you alone?”
──────✤ E n t e r t h e G i v e a w a y ✤──────
──────✤ A b o u t t h e A u t h o r ✤──────
Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.
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