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★ Cover Reveal: Echo by E.K. Blair

Che squillino le trombe!!!
Oggi, miei cari lettori, ho il super onore di mostrarvi la cover del secondo romanzo della trilogia di E.K. Blair *•* Vi ricordate Bang?! Oooh e chi se lo scorda, porco dinci >.< Se ripenso a Pike... aww! E poi Declan... °_° help mee!! Tenetevi fortissimissimo, perché ora abbiamo una data ► 12 maggio ◄ Finalmente scopriremo il "dopo bang" O_O Sto per morire. Sì sì, muoooro!!!

Titolo: Echo
Autore: E.K. Blair
Serie: Black Lotus #2
Genere: Psychosexual Thriller
Data di uscita: 12 Maggio 2015

──────✤ S y n o p s i s ✤──────
It's been said the longest echo ever measured lasted 75 seconds, but I can assure you, this will last much longer. The bang deafened the world around me, muting everything into nullity, allowing the reflection of its destruction to live far beyond its intended life.

It will follow me forever, destroying me—destroying you.

You want answers?

So do I.

──────✤ A b o u t   t h e   A u t h o r ✤──────

E.K. Blair, takes her readers on an emotional roller coaster with her dynamic and intense writing style. Noted for her ability to create fleshed-out characters that will evoke a realm of reactions, you can be assured that her stories will linger with you far beyond the last word. A former first grade teacher with an imagination that runs wild. Daydreaming and zoning out is how she was often found in high school. Blair tends to drift towards everything dark and moody. Give her a character and she will take pleasure in breaking them down, digging into their core to find what lies underneath. Aside from writing, E.K. Blair finds pleasure in music, drinking her Starbucks in peace, and spending time with her friends. She’s a thinker, an artist, a wife, a mom, and everything in between.

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