Happy release day, Whitney ♥
Esce oggi il sequel del romanzo He Found Me, scritto da Whitney Barbetti, di cui io ho avuto modo di innamorarmi con Ten Below Zero *•* Questa duologia è nella mia Lista dei Desideri e spero di riuscire a trovarle un posticino nei miei prossimi ordini Amazon ▬ soprattutto perché sono troppo curiosa di conoscere il misterioso Six :3
Esce oggi il sequel del romanzo He Found Me, scritto da Whitney Barbetti, di cui io ho avuto modo di innamorarmi con Ten Below Zero *•* Questa duologia è nella mia Lista dei Desideri e spero di riuscire a trovarle un posticino nei miei prossimi ordini Amazon ▬ soprattutto perché sono troppo curiosa di conoscere il misterioso Six :3

Titolo: He Saved Me
Autore: Whitney Barbetti
Serie: He Found Me #2
Serie: He Found Me #2
Genere: New Adult Romance
──────✤ P r o m o t i o n ✤──────
──────✤ H e F o u n d M e ✤──────
──────✤ E n t e r t h e G i v e a w a y ✤──────
Instead of one Rafflecopter with one winner, Whitney Barbetti is going to be doing TOUR STOPS on December 17, 18, 19, and 20. She'll be doing a one-hour takeover at 9 PM EST in the following Facebook groups. Join these groups and stay tuned win paperbacks, swag, and ebooks!
December 17: Barbetti's Babes
December 18: Grayson's Girls
December 19: Three Girls and a Book Obsession Book Club
December 20: Dearest Series Fans
December 17: Barbetti's Babes
December 18: Grayson's Girls
December 19: Three Girls and a Book Obsession Book Club
December 20: Dearest Series Fans
──────✤ A b o u t t h e A u t h o r ✤──────
I am a wife to one and a mom to two humans and one cat. I have a deep and abiding love for nachos - especially the kind with the liquid cheese, like from Taco Bell (sorry). I run on less than four hours of sleep thanks to copious amounts of Diet Dr. Pepper. (Note: this paragraph is not sponsored by anyone except my hungry stomach.)
As a Navy brat, I grew up all over the country, from California, up the east coast from Florida to New England and Colorado. I currently live in Idaho, where we have lots of potatoes and windmills.
I write character-driven New Adult novels, heavy on the emotional connection. I LOVE love. I love writing about broken characters who find their soul mates.
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